Does booze count?
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Don't forget to take Sauerkraut for COVID-19 ?
by was a new boy infermented foods may lower your risk of covid-19 death.
countries that consume higher amounts of traditionally fermented foods have lower covid-19 mortality rates.
according to german researchers, significant changes in the microbiome caused by modern life and low fermented food consumption may have increased the spread or severity of the disease.
Mandatory Donations-2.
by Atlantis inmandatory donations-2.
catholic church donation cards. .
stan livedeath
just think--if none of the congregation put their hands in their pockets--the elders would have to. soon be no elders..then soon after--no congregation.
No more hour requirements for pioneers
by solomon init was announced at the meeting.
do what you are able to because of covid.. i think i should sign up as i’m able to meet the hour requirements.
stan livedeath
well--if theres no door knocking happening--who needs pioneers anyway ?
they can go and get proper full time jobs now.
Are You Afraid of Contracting The Covid Virus?
by minimus inthankfully my best friend who got this terrible malady is doing well after being in the hospital for more than two months!
i see some people who are still petrified over this virus.
they are still virtual prisoners in their own homes.
stan livedeath
i think a lot more people already have it--without knowing. therefore--we will all get it sooner or later: its fatal in those who over-react to it.
Here in the UK the reported death numbers are misleading: of those that have died, have died with the virus in their body..but its not the cause of their death. Mostly its just old age.
i also think its been around a lot longer than since late last year.
Mandatory Donations??? Is This Accurate?
by Atlantis indoes the information about mandatory donations in this post sound accurate to you?. petra!
stan livedeath
i wonder if they really do close down those congs that dont pay enough or dont meet the suggested donation.
ELM - Elderly Lives Matter
by BourneIdentity ini believe a light has to be shown on the elderly, forget blm.
sure, blacks are being mistreated by law enforcement at times, but there are hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis having no regard for the elderly by not wearing masks in the middle of a pandemic.
they believe the elderly have to be casualties for the economy and getting normalcy back.
stan livedeath
ok buddha--i'll bite.
basically--youre right.
here in the UK there are--what--100's of 1000's of over 70's in care homes. many are fully funded by the state--even though they own their own homes and have some savings. so--yes they are a drain on the economy.
the upside is the healthcare sector gives employment to at least the same number: a 20 bed care home could easily have more than that number of staff.
so if all those old folks give up the ghost there will be a corresponding rise in unemployment.
for the record--i'm 72, and am married to a much younger woman--who is the manager of a care home. aint i the lucky one.
JW Tchotckes _ How Nauseating Are They?
by Room 215 inknorr, franz, henschel et al must be spinning in their graves....
stan livedeath
best life ever ? what about the next life ?
this is the ONLY life.
Pioneering for real
by Giordano ini promised mom i'd pioneer for a year after graduating hs.. but!
i didn't say where.. i chose a small store front kingdom hall in kane pa, one of the coldest places in nw pennsylvania.
they were impressed with their frosty weather.
stan livedeath
the house i was born in--in 1948..didnt have an inside lavatory--or a bath or hot running water. lived there for 9 years. this was in Birmingham UK.
Jehovah's house for Sale?
by JohnTron72 inwhen i drive by the kingdom hall i grew up attending at but, was sold directly to a church, i get angry.
the elders who handled the sale didn't even remove the watchtower shaped bricks on each side of the sign near the street so, now they advertise for a baptist church.
how many times as i grew up i heard things like: you should not do work ( such as clean carpets for a church) you wouldn't want to work at a cigarette making plant or a facility that makes bombs for the military.
stan livedeath
dozy6 hours ago
UK sales website
jesus must be turning in his grave. just proves what we all know---the watchtower is in it for the money.
Using gods name
by Gorbatchov ini've never thought about it before, but isn't it some sort of blasphemy and extremism to use a god's name in the official name of your religion?.
stan livedeath
i used to get seriously pissed off every time i heard "jehovah god". its not his first and last name--like john smith.. but then if someone seriously believes in a gigantic invisible man in the sky, they are capable of believing anything.